Dienstag, 30. November 2010

The importance of Bees for Coffee pollination

Let's take a jump over the gulf of mannar then towards Mysore. Multilayer agroforestry systems cannot only be found in the hilly side of Sri lanka but also here in India. Actually, the importance of healthy, multilayered, native systems for pollination success has recently been shown in a ETH study by Boreux and Krishnan. They not only shed light on a misconception that for good coffee harvest light is a limiting factor but they illustrate that native trees as Teak and Rosewood, despite growing slower than introduced Silver Oak (Grevillea robusta), are a better support for coffee pollinating crucial bee species. It is important to note these observations and keep such interrelationships in mind when working on similar systems, e.g. in the Kandy province in Sri Lanka.

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